Tera online money making guide

Tera online money making guide

By: Zarub On: 20.07.2017

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Hey I was wondering if any one had some effective and up to date ways of making gold I've been away from TERA for a while and that game has changed a lot I used to craft items and sell them in the brokerage and I'm sure that the market for items has changed it brought me and decent amount of gold previously but nothing to write home about so is this still an effective way of making gold or are there better ways of lining your pockets.

May edited May This gives you feedstock and credits.

tera online money making guide

You can do 3 vanguard quests per tier per toon. Simple ways to make gold, some are long term though and I can't list everything. Play during events and sell the items.

Some items and costumes sell for more or less than the boxes they originate from costumes also vary on race.

Gather daily with multiple accounts, be mindful of the limit and find the spots that are easy to gather. Some items sell for more when refined, having alts with specific crafting leveled specifically to save production points is useful, find out which.

Some items sell for higher, or lower than the standard EMP rate, so buy at the standard rate and sell it.

That sucks I hate how boters and cheaters have to go and ruin things for actual hard working players. CWx4- sell t8 feed and vg credit 2. Now days there is no way to farm for gold. Your best options are doing VG's daily. Doing alliance, rank in it, and then when on conflict for your treasure of gold. Other than that there is no way to work for your gold anymore. Ghilieglade its not huge but still worth on fast classes like gunner brawler ninja June edited June Go to Celestial Arena, between the character , talk to npc , start the quest,logout the character, or close the game client , enter another character to do the same thing, in as many as you can, remember that you have 12 minutes to log in the first character.

I understand all these tips to farm gold, but I still don't get how people claim to make k per day, like, how do you even? They are actually pulling your leg. You can't do that per day unless you own the broker in the sense of running the competition to the ground. Even then it's a spot chance that you can make k per day you only get so many spaces per character per broker per character.

TERA Gathering Guide PLUS GOLD Farming

Further more you really have to have a ton of time on your hands to do that. There is no way to literally per day do 50kk gold per day. Sign In or Register to comment. You will be signed out in 60 seconds due to inactivity. Click here to continue using the site. It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Categories Recent Discussions Activity Unanswered Best Of

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