Courtney smith stock trader

Courtney smith stock trader

By: alomayolo On: 05.07.2017

Why we are writing this blog: At least 15 minutes of trading a day, plus reflecting this time in a blog.

courtney smith stock trader

We both work full-time. We never had anything to do with trading, although we have a small amount in index mutual funds, which have provided no profit for 4 years.

We believe in investing every dollar we can, according to the jar system presented at the MMI. Before the seminar, we watched the pre-training webinar with Courtney and realized that not only is he one of the most successful traders of our time, but also a fantastic teacher, incredible speaker and a very open and generous person!

He convinced us that we can be successful traders and we decided to follow only his system. Our purpose for taking the seminar was primarily to discover one of the roads to financial freedom.

The two-day seminar was packed with practical information. Courtney gave us a number of trading techniques to be used in different situations. By the way, if you like what we are doing, please feel free to buy us green tea with roasted rice… opens a new window. January 24, at January 26, at 9: January 26, at January 28, at 2: Attended the Good Seminar in January at Los Angeles.. Will do the trading. Keep in touch with other friends who also attended the Freedom Trader Intensive.

Have Group on Facebook. Will make my first Trade soon and Follow the Rules. No Greed and No Fear.. September 6, at 9: September 8, at 3: Hi Bernadette, Natalia and Eugene do not have a personal facebook page. We are members of the Freedom Trader group on Facebok, but we understand it is a closed group and you would need to be authorized by Paul M. Bilodeau or by Sharon Yuen, who are the admins of that group.

February 4, at Thank you for your sharing, guys! I am looking forward for the FTI in June So, now I can have some pre-training and general idea where to start by reading your notes. Thank you for your comment, Tatiana! February 17, at I live just north of Toronto. If you live in the GTA I would love to buy you a coffee in exchange for setting me straight on TA!

February 17, at 7: Hi Leonard, Thank you for your kind words! We seem to be following the same path — MMI in Toronto, FTI in LA… We live in Etobicoke and would be happy to meet with you and your wife over coffee. We are going to send you an e-mail. May 14, at 6: I will be attending FTI in June and just saw your blog.

May I ask when would the 2nd day finish, 5pm or 7pm? Thanks and best wishes to your financial success. May 14, at Hi Sean, I believe we were done shortly after 5 pm.

We had a flight home at 9, so we had to be at the airport by 7. I think the day ended before 7. June 29, at 4: Thank you both so much for your diligence and commitment to this blog. Your detail has given enough insight to help us recognize that we need to get up to speed on the lingo and may even be able to some of the techniques ahead of the course by getting the book.

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Thank you for all of this insight. June 29, at Hi Samantha, Thank you for your kind words. We are sure that both you and your husband will be very successful on this journey. We are still learning the system.

Even though the rules are simple and straightforward, there is enough judgement to be applied in the trading cycle. Best of luck to both of you and hope to see you here often! Francis - Investing Epimoni said: June 29, at 9: This is a great website, thank you for continuing to update your site.

I have noticed that the log I trade Hot Hands the more money I lose with them. I have been break even at the high point. I would like to know if you have achieved different results. I have stopped trading Hot Hands for the more favorable BOB and Seasonality. Francis, We trade HH sporadically and in fact, while we had enough losing trades there, we had more profitable trades in HH than we did in BOB.

Overall, however, we will publish an update on our portfolio at days. July 28, at 3: Got all the info from Future and Forex course already. September 24, at 5: Can you post a chart, or give some insight into how your trades have performed? September 24, at 6: Hi Jeff, Thank you for asking. We will summarize our results at some point later this fall. Our previous results, with all our trades, were posted around Day September 24, at 7: Thanks so much Eugene and Natalie.

September 26, at 1: January 18, at 4: Hello, hello from beautiful Vancouver BC, First off, let me thank you guys for sharing. I have just returned from FTI in LAX.

It was profusely immaculate! What an amazing experience!!! I am currently in step 2, determining which brokerage to go with.

As fellow Canadians, can you recommend anything? January 20, at 8: We started off with Questrade, but later in the year switched to Virtual Brokers, because of commissions. Another beef that we had with Questrade was regarding sloppy executions: None of that happened with VB yet. January 21, at June 10, at 4: Hello Eugene and Natalie, Thanks for doing this blog. Some exaggerate the profits they make. You can email me privately if you wish not to post here.

Did you lose or make money in the end? I know, no one can guarantee the outcome because there are so many intangible factors in the world. But can someone really teach ordinary people like myself to turn a profit in the stock market? I know the Turtle system did.

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I look forward to your reply. July 19, at 1: My husband and I just attended our first MMI last weekend and have signed up for an upcoming FTI.

And I feel overwhelmed. Is How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange the best Courtney Smith book for a newbie to start with to achieve this?

What other recommendations do you have for preparing for the FTI? July 22, at Thank you for your kind words and also thanks for asking. I am a bit confused here: Nonetheless, first off, taking the FTI together is the best decision you and your husband could have made. Sharing the same reality same knowledge, same ideas, same motivation and same fears has proven to be extremely productive both for our finances and for our relationship.

Even as simply as picking up trading for one another when the other person is away makes life so much more fun. We took at least 15 minutes each day after the FTI to read and discuss the book, at least the chapters that we could understand. September 28, at 1: February 2, at 4: Courtney runs the FTI course regularly, as far as we understand. This website, however, is not being updated any more, since we only intended to run it for days. November 13, at 7: I just attended the FTI in November and a fellow turned me on to you.

Thank you in advance for your generous heart and sharing of your experience. December 3, at 9: December 6, at 8: You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Thus our journey begins… By the way, if you like what we are doing, please feel free to buy us green tea with roasted rice… opens a new window Share this: Good idea, keep up blogging!

I hope you enjoy learning about trading as much as I have. Looking forward to it. I would like to access your facebook page. All the best, Eugene and Natalia.

I look forward to reading it everyday. My wife and I were at the Toronto MMI in October and the FTI LAX in January as well. Have a Great Night and keep up the fantastic work. All the best, Eugene and Natalie Reply. If not done already, be sure to join the Freedom Trader group on Facebook. All the best and wishing you great success!

Courtney Smith | World Renowned Trader, Author, Speaker & Trainer

Eugene and Natalie Reply. Thank you for your kind words, Jeff. Hi Daniel, Thank you for your note. We are happy to hear that our experience may be useful to you.

Best of trading, Eugene and Natalia Reply. Hello guys, Thanks a million. I appreciate it so much! Sorry… Natalia not Natalie. Hi Rachel, Thank you for your kind words and also thanks for asking. All in all, we are wishing you the best of success in your trading! Eugene and Natalia Reply. So what is the end of dat time for this seminar? Hi John, I just attended the FTI in November and a fellow turned me on to you. Thank you for your kind words, Leanna!

So how did it go? Are you making money from his tips? How much was it? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.

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