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By: Evpa On: 11.07.2017

The Soweto uprising taught us that young people can change history. The numbers suggest that can happen again if the youth show up for the next election, writes Melanie Verwoerd. More sun than clouds. One reader has a passion for stocks and wants to know what is needed to qualify as an investment analyst.

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I love to analyse markets and listed companies, both domestic and offshore. What can I do to achieve my dream? Your question reminded me of Vusi Mkhondo, who I met for the first time 12 years ago after he had just started on his quest to become a stockbroker.

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BSc degree in microbiology but struggled to find a job. He then realised microbiology was not really. As he said at the time, when he matriculated with good marks, the only option was medicine and stockbroking was not really something career counsellors spoke about.

Inspired by the TV show Traders, Mkhondo enrolled to do a course offered by the South African Institute of Stockbrokers, which was a year-long course and effectively made him a qualified stockbroker. Although it may have been easier to become a qualified stockbroker in those days, it was virtually impossible to find a job.

So Mkhondo decided to create his own job by starting his own broking business with two partners, Yolanda Boikanyo and Tebogo Shakong. But seven years later, the business is growing from strength to strength, acquiring its bond licence in and recently signing an agreement with Canaccord, a London-based broker, which will provide Lefika Securities with local and global research capability.

Even when I met Mkhondo for the first time 12 years ago, I was struck by his passion, determination and intelligence. He had a great deal to overcome, coming from a poor background and not having the contacts to open doors. Yet he succeeded by creating his own future.

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His story is an inspiration for those who have a dream, but it is also a story of hard work and commitment. Learn about the markets and get involved. You need to demonstrate this passion by getting involved in the markets and learning about them.

The best thing to do is to start learning about the market and investing yourself. If you do not have money to start trading, look at entering the JSE Virtual Trading Game Virtualtradinggame.

If you are comfortable to start investing your own money, you can open an account with a stockbroker that offers simulated trading and. In this way you learn and when you approach companies you will be able to show that you have knowledge, not only a passion. You could also find out about getting a security job at a stockbroker and ask if someone would help train you. A lot of the time, it is just about finding someone who is willing to spend the time to train and that can be the most difficult part, as you need to prove that their investment of time and effort into you will be worthwhile.

If you are deciding on the financial markets as a career, take time to learn about the various roles and careers, and decide which one you would be best suited for. Erica Bruce of the South African Institute for Stockbrokers says when people ask her about getting into stockbroking, they usually mean they want to be traders. Personality is an important determinant in following a career as a trader.

This as companies look for people with an outgoing personality who can work easily with numbers. A degree is not a requirement to become a trader, but it is a distinct advantage, especially to get a job at a large firm. You do not necessarily need a finance-based degree. There are many engineers, for example, in stock broking; but you must have the ability to grasp mathematical concepts. If you do not have a degree, you can write the Registered Persons Examinations, which include: Bruce says these are the basic requirements before you can apply for a job.

If you wish to become a trader, she advises you also write the Registered Securities Trader exam. Information on these courses can be found at Saifm. The South African Institute of Stockbrokers is in the process of registering a formal, three-year university qualification for the financial markets, and is currently working with the University of Johannesburg and government to put the course together. It will be a workplace qualification, which means it will include work experience.

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The minimum academic requirement is a BCom degree. However, preference is given to newly qualified chartered accountants CAs because of their in-depth knowledge of accounting. Computer literacy, with MS Office, is also required.

Although it is usually not a requirement at a junior-analyst level, being a CFA charter holder is a huge advantage. To earn the CFA charter, you must have four years of qualifying investment-work experience, become a member of the CFA Institute, pledge to adhere to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, apply for membership to a local CFA member society and complete the CFA Programme.

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Hence, by the time they leave for investments, they would already have completed some, if not all, of the exams. Contributions of words or more will be considered for publication. Should you wish to report a comment for editorial review, please do so by clicking the 'Report Comment' button to the right of each comment.

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Log in with Facebook to comment and personalise news, weather and listings. The youth vote could topple the ANC The Soweto uprising taught us that young people can change history.

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