How to make money from chicken farming

How to make money from chicken farming

By: Voice On: 20.06.2017

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How to Make Extra Income from Keeping Chickens (with Pictures)

If this is your first time on BYC, we suggest you start with one of these three options: Can you MAKE MONEY with chickens? Jan 9, Stoneunhenged, I LOVE the way you think! I am very certain that you have similar mindset like Andre Van't Weistande I am one who has chickens as pets. If I get an egg, okay, if not, okay too. As I remind my husband I like the unusual and as I have learned more about the types of chickens out there have begun to be more selective about the kind I want.

The more unusual the more expensive I am not, however, expecting to make money or even break even any more than I would expect with my dogs or cats. I have them for the pleasure I get from interacting with them and watching them Your points are well taken. But, the cool thing about the internet and modern shipping methods is that they free us from being captives of local markets.

Once you buy your breeding stock, it costs about the same to produce a leghorn egg value: Again, if we compete against commercial egg producers or commodity hybrid chicken breeders we, as the little guys, will always lose money. But, if every small breeder woke up this morning and priced their eggs and chicks to reflect their rarity and refinement, the buying market would adjust and you could be making a well-deserved profit as a reward for your hard work and dedication.

Thanks for your kind comments. Best of luck with your birds. I do sell a few hatching eggs via the internet, but I just don't think I'm willing to do it on a larger scale as in shipping chicks and started birds. Maybe if I was even only 20 years younger I'd think about it.

I've found the best way for US is selling chicks, that way I do not have to put so much money into raising them to point of lay.

I hatch and sell about chicks every Spring. I sell to the feed stores around, and from my house. I put ads on CL and the free magazines that come out every week. I deal mainly with rare breeds, but I also have found a couple breeds that sell out here every 95 binary options trading for free demo account. Now it wasn't cheap to get the set up I have because I have my own hatching house that houses my kata mutiara trading forex Sprtsman incubators and all how to make money from chicken farming brooders, but I bought all my stuff over time as I made money and I bought all used but in good condition stuff.

I still sell lots of laying hens but I don't make a profit off of them like I do the chicks.

how to make money from chicken farming

I also sell a lot of hatching eggs online from my rare euro stoxx 50 index code. That buys chicken food. I have been able to pay for my original cost of starter birds by selling hatching eggs.

Work from home icyfl4me remix have sold some birds and paid for new ones I wanted.

There are ways to make money.

how to make money from chicken farming

You have trading psychology coaching for day traders swing trad first be convinced that what you have to offer is what people want. How about farm raised, pampered breakfast makers. Happy chickens make better and more eggs. A bird that gets to free range has more nutritious eggs. You know what is going into your chickens and can let people know how healthy they are.

You can't get that at your supermarket. You have to be able to tell people why your product forex shipping japan better.

Sometimes it is easier to think you can't get more so don't try, than to put out the effert to try to get more. You might be surprised. It's great that people get some cash selling eggs and chicks, but my suggestion is that we don't define success as paying the feed bills. When Enzo Ferrari made his first supercar, he didn't price it to compete with How to make money from chicken farming Novas and he didn't sell it with the goal of recovering his sheet metal costs.

He sold it for a ton of money because it was rare and beautiful and he had put many years into refining it. The same is true of your chickens. You're not selling Chevies.

how to make money from chicken farming

Let the big hatcheries sell Chevies. We do not sell eggs; however, with the money that our chickens save us from not having to buy eggs at the grocery store, they more than pay for their general upkeep such as food, scratch, bedding, etc. However, at our house, they are pets. And as welasharon states, our other pets don't even make an effort to pay for themselves!

If you want to do an apples to apples comparison between your egg costs and store-bought egg costs, don't forget to factor in land costs, insurance costs, labor costs, energy costs, pen costs, etc. I don't think there is a single American producing eggs in their backyard at a lower per egg cost than they can pay at the local supermarket.

I don't think there is any financial argument for raising your own eggs. I do, however, thing there are many other reasons to keep chickens. It is really hard to make a profit.

And yes he has a steady stream all day selling his eggs. I think he told me he has about birds. All his eggs are on the smaller size. I have seen a few of his layers that he will bring in a cage once in a while and they appear to be mutts. The chickens get fed mealworms, and figs and the like as they are on a little cottage farm that grows fruits and nuts. You must log in or sign up to reply here. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now.

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Yes, my password is: Cindy in PA replied Jun 21, at 6: Blooie replied Jun 21, at 6: Steven Mazzo replied Jun 21, at 6: BackYard Chickens is proudly sponsored by googletag. Contact Us Help Home Terms and Rules.

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